First Lady counsels the youth

The First Lady, Jeannette Kagame, has assured the youth that Rwanda’s future depends on the choices they make and urged them to use their skills and knowledge to build a strong foundation for their country.

Thursday, August 09, 2012
The First Lady, Jeannette Kagame (C) together with Diana Ofwona, UN Women Regional Director (L), and the Minister of Youth and ICT, Jean Philbert Nsengimana, during the Youth Forum in Kigali, yesterday. The New Times / Timothy Kisambira.

The First Lady, Jeannette Kagame, has assured the youth that Rwanda’s future depends on the choices they make and urged them to use their skills and knowledge to build a strong foundation for their country.She was addressing over 300 youth who attended a youth forum in Kigali yesterday ahead of Imbuto Foundation’s 10th Anniversary which begins today.The youth forum themed "Ndi Umunyarwanda” (I am Rwandan) is an annual event that brings together young people aged between 18 and 35 to discuss their common identity and responsibilities towards shaping a bright future for themselves and their country."If you didn’t know, you happen to be the generation that we have been waiting for. Rebuilding a good foundation for our country was a challenge, but it was especially designed to help the young people like you to discover your talents and skills for the future sustainability of our country,” Mrs. Kagame said."We are privileged to have you, so don’t squander the opportunity at your disposal. The world may not be that kind, and at your age, you are still susceptible to making wrong decisions as you grow up. But as long as you keep the passion to be the best you can be and know your value, you will reach great heights”.The First Lady also advised the youth to get mentors and counsellors to guide them back whenever they stray from their goals."This generation offers so many distractions; you find young people succumbing to peer pressure instead of concentrating on their education, others use drugs, whereas others become single parents. Whenever you find yourself in a tight spot, remember that two heads are better than one. Try to befriend your parents and also get mentors to trust with your troubles, so that they can help you overcome them,” she advised."Mistakes happen, but you must get back up and choose dignity, know your identity as a special Rwandan, value your life and have patriotism for your country”.The Minister for Youth and ICT, Jean Philbert Nsegimana, reminded the youth at the forum that their actions will speak for them and urged them to work hard."You must compliment your uniqueness as Rwandans by working hard. Many of you have given your leaders and elders so much hope and inspiration to create a favourable environment for your development. Therefore, have a positive attitude, be useful and productive in your communities,” Nsengimana said.The youth were also treated to an inspiring poem titled "Future, will be a legend” by Angel Uwamahoro, an upcoming young artiste and poet. Her poem was acknowledged by the First Lady as an inspiration to young people whose goal is to create a legacy for themselves.