Instilling a culture of hygiene in your children

At just the age of two, Angel can never step on the floor without her sandals. Whenever she reaches the rim of the carpet, she stops right there and starts demanding for her sandals. She also can’t pee on her bed or any other place because her mother started training her right at the age of one to demand for the potty, whenever nature calls.

Wednesday, August 08, 2012
mother teaching child how to wash hands. Net photo.

At just the age of two, Angel can never step on the floor without her sandals. Whenever she reaches the rim of the carpet, she stops right there and starts demanding for her sandals. She also can’t pee on her bed or any other place because her mother started training her right at the age of one to demand for the potty, whenever nature calls.Angel is just a two-year old but she is disciplined because her mother has taken time to instill in her such discipline.She is just learning how to talk so communication isn’t that easy but they will use baby language, gestures and every action in a friendly way to make sure they understand each other.Well, it’s going to be hard for Angella to depart from the discipline that has been inculcated in her from such a tender age.Well, there are quite a number of health disciplines that would be great to instill among children at a tender age, such as washing hands after using the toilet, brushing their teeth after every meal and eating clean and warm food. Usually, it’s the mothers who are tactical and can ably train children to be health conscious all the way from childhood.Mothers can play a big role in fostering these values in their children in order for them to live healthy lives.Always explain to the children the reason why you are trying to foster those health values in them. Explain to them the positive and negative reasons of why they should take up these values and what happens if they don’t.If the children grow up with such values, then they will not be suffering from different epidemics and ailments caused by poor hygiene. This will help them live happy and healthy lives as well.If the mothers don’t train the children to take up these values early enough, they will pay for this omission one way or the other.