Angry Housewives Eating Bonbons

Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons by Lorna Landvik is well written and pleasant read. It is one of those books highly recommend for women’s book clubs.

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons by Lorna Landvik is well written and pleasant read. It is one of those books highly recommend for women’s book clubs.The story begins in 1968; it’s about the middle-class suburb of Minnesota. Faith is a young mother of precocious twins, who struggles with feelings of loneliness in the dead of winter, while her husband, a pilot, is away. One night, while taking comfort in a good book, Faith saw something fall against her window. When she rushed to the door, Faith hoped to catch the "vandals” she expected to be outside. Instead, she encounters her neighbors engaging in a joyous snowball fight into which she is quickly drawn. Kari is a widow who longs for a child of her own. Slip is a child-sized warrior whose assertive personality makes up for her looks. Audrey is vivacious and sex-crazed, regaling the others with shocking stories. Merit is a quiet and shy beauty harboring a horrific secret. Hoping to alleviate boredom, the women start a book club and readily embrace the cynical name given to it by one woman’s husband: "Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons.” Through divorce, adoption, abuse, illness, and death, these women meet every month to discuss books and support each other.