It is extremely easy to fall out of love

Cathy and David fell in love within an hour of meeting each other. They spent every day together, and anything more than 5 minutes apart would lead to text after text until their cell phone batteries died.

Wednesday, August 08, 2012
With all the right ingredients, love is truly forever. Net photo.

Cathy and David fell in love within an hour of meeting each other. They spent every day together, and anything more than 5 minutes apart would lead to text after text until their cell phone batteries died.They had that chemistry that no one quite understood and really enjoyed each other’s company. Most times, Don’s friends asked him how he could hang around a girl that long and not get tired. Don’s response was always the same, "She’s not just a girl - she’s my girl.”They got married in such haste, ignoring the warnings of everyone around them that things were going a little too fast. They didn’t care – they were in love! Or so they thought. It went great the first 6 months…a little bumpy, but nothing serious – then out of nowhere…for people who spent every day together since the day they set eyes on each other, it was rather odd that weeks went by and neither party was interested in the other’s whereabouts.Did they make a mistake? You bet your arm they did! Could it have gone better had they taken time to get to know each other a little more– maybe! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, infatuation and love are two different things. Just because you met a man at UTC, watched him walk like he was gliding, then felt your heart skip about 10 beats when he turned and flashed a smile that would run Dwanye, The Rock, Johnson out of business doesn’t mean you are set to love him for life. People fall out of love for various reasons.  It’s easy to believe that you are meant to be with a certain person. Sometimes, our similarities and that instant connection force us to believe that we are MFEO (Made for Each Other) but it takes more than just sparks and connection to keep things moving.Chemistry is great but without serious commitment to a relationship, how do you expect it to go anywhere? The people who fall in love due to chemistry and not commitment are the ones who end up falling in love more times than normal. As soon as the chemistry flies out the window, they fall out of love and move on to the next person they have chemistry with. Before they know it, they have about 10 ex-boyfriends (maybe more) to their name, claiming to have loved them all, and that’s just not right. That’s not the way love is supposed to be – well at least according to what I’ve read!Also, falling out of love comes as a result of expectations not being met. Some women fall in love and have high expectations depending on what they want. But after some time they discover that their expectations are not being met. It could be they wanted someone who would compliment and appreciate them, but instead got the most insensitive member of the year. You do not have to be a brain surgeon to know that mistreatment of any kind guarantees a broken relationship. Some men can be so sweet and kind and simply everything you prayed for in a man when you’ve just met. Give him some time and that sweet and too good to be true man will become just that – too good to be true!Try falling in love for the right reasons, commit to it - build the relationship through supporting each others goals and dreams and you might just stay in love much longer. Successful relationships are based on trust, honesty, love, tolerance, sharing and forgiveness. Without those, we might as well keep on hopping from one man to another. I’m just saying.