Total peace requires regional commitment

Editor, I am happy to learn that talks aimed at finding peaceful resolution to the fighting in DR Congo are underway in Kampala this week. The Congolese people living in the eastern part of the country have suffered enough, and its time they got peace at last.

Monday, August 06, 2012

Editor,I am happy to learn that talks aimed at finding peaceful resolution to the fighting in DR Congo are underway in Kampala this week. The Congolese people living in the eastern part of the country have suffered enough, and its time they got peace at last.But I think for the Congolese to attain total peace, all leaders in the region must be committed to see a peaceful resolution. Rwanda’s effort is certainly commendable. DRC has got to play its part.We should all go that extra mile in the interest of peace. Nevertheless, I am highly skeptical whether peace will be attained when western powers continue to accuse those involved in finding peace of causing trouble.An honest analysis and acknowledgement of the root causes of the conflict in the DRC must be the starting point for a real quest for peace.  Will FDLR issue be addressed conclusively?Based in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, FDLR or the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda, a militia group blamed for the death of more than a million Rwandans during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, has caused more harm than any other armed group in the Congo and this is the right time to uproot this terrorist group.Dennis NgobokaKigali