Farmers deserve all the support they can get

Last week,  the Prime Minister highlighted agricultural priorities, informing lawmakers that the government plans to boost agriculture through irrigation and mechanization to achieve food self sufficiency as well as economic development.

Monday, August 06, 2012

Last week,  the Prime Minister highlighted agricultural priorities, informing lawmakers that the government plans to boost agriculture through irrigation and mechanization to achieve food self sufficiency as well as economic development.The low prices of agricultural products for farmers were some of the key concerns raised by lawmakers.Farmers should not be left at the mercy of unscrupulous businessmen and women who are bent on making abnormal profits at the expense of farmers.For a successful agriculture sector, it’s important that regular studies are carried out to ascertain how best small scale producers can benefit from farming.This study can also help law makers put in place policies that would ensure the farmers make the most out of their trade.Issues such as pricing, taxation, storage, transport and value addition need to be addressed from the top level.Furthermore, access to credit has been a thorn in farmers lives. While it may be risky to lend to farmers as their produce does not provide the best security, there is no way for them to increase production without investment.  Use of modern farming methods, or value addition require considerable investment which farmers may not afford at the start. Eased access to finance for famers would be a major boost for the agriculture sector. The farmers should be given as much support as possible