Bugesera miners selling minerals to smugglers

Artisanal miners supplying cassiterite (tin ore) to Natural Resources Development (NRD), a local mining company in the East, have been warned by authorities to desist from smuggling the minerals or else be punished according to the law.

Monday, August 06, 2012
Chairman of NRD, Roderick Marshall ( L), addressing miners and district authorities. The New Times / T. Kisambira

Artisanal miners supplying cassiterite (tin ore) to Natural Resources Development (NRD), a local mining company in the East, have been warned by authorities to desist from smuggling the minerals or else be punished according to the law.After investigations by authorities, it was ascertained that in order to earn quick money, the miners illegally sell the minerals to smugglers who usually ship them to Burundi whose border is a few kilometres from the concession.In a crisis meeting held at NRD mining concession in Nemba, Bugesera District, last week, the miners met their heads including government, police and army representatives as well as staff of NRD."Although you do not want to tell us the truth, we know that some of you are involved in the illegal act of smuggling minerals. I hope you understand the repercussions that come with mishandling the country’s resources,” Julius Rukundo, the Vice Mayor in charge of Finance and Economic Development in Bugesera District, said.The Chairman of NRD, Roderick Marshall, said some of the culprits caught in the act had been handed over to police."We commend Bugesera authorities for talking to the miners to resolve the matter. As a security measure, we also contracted fifteen new night guards who will patrol the area against any illegal mining,” Marshall said.The miners also complained to the authorities that NRD had delayed to pay their wages, something that prompted some of them to engage in the illegal activities.The meeting resolved that NRD employers discuss terms of wages with their miners and also urged the miners to report misunderstandings to the local authorities rather than take matters into their own hands.