Four districts step up fight against drug trafficking

Districts recently named as major transit routes for narcotics and illicit brew sneaked into the country, have announced new measures to contain the crime.

Monday, August 06, 2012
Police in Remera destroying drugs. The New Times / File.

Districts recently named as major transit routes for narcotics and illicit brew sneaked into the country, have announced new measures to contain the crime.A report by the national police, released last month, indicates that the districts of Rubavu, Kirehe and Rusizi are the major routes for cannabis commonly known as marijuana trafficked into the country from the neighbouring countries, while Nyagatare is the major route for illicit brew commonly known as kanyanga.The mayor of Rubavu, Sheikh Hassan Bahame, said the district developed a mapping report containing names and families suspected of dealing in the illegal trade."Drugs trade and consumption is a major cause of concern in the district; the mapping report covers all sectors and we hope this will help us in the campaign against drugs,” said Bahame.Cannabis is said to be trafficked into the country from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Rubavu authorities recently destroyed about 910 litres of kanyanga and 524 kilogrammes of cannabis."It would be much easier if this campaign was involving the two countries, but the challenge we face is that we fight it alone,” he said.The Mayor of Kirehe, Protais Murayire, said they have trained staff, including Local Defence personnel and grassroots leaders to contain the vice."This has paid off because we have impounded a number of vehicles en route to Kigali in the past four months ferrying cannabis,” said Murayire.Murayire said the district established a toll free line – 4137 – for the public to report any case of drug abuse, which has aided them to bring to book those involved."We reward members of the public who help us in this campaign and refund everyone using their (mobile telephone) airtime to provide information on drugs. This has paid off because kanyanga is now rare in the district.” About 733 kilogrammes of marijuana are scheduled to be destroyed in Kirehe.A total of 1, 663 people, among them 163 females, were arrested over the last six months for narcotics related crimes, according a police report on the status of drug abuse, released recently.Over 1, 300 of those arrested, including both dealers and consumers, are aged between 18 and 35 while only 57 are below 18 years.

About 1, 699 kilogrammes of cannabis commonly known as marijuana was also seized during the same period with 1,232 people, 102 of whom were females, arrested, according to the report.Around 3, 868 litres of kanyanga was also confiscated at the same period, in which 163 suspects were arrested.A total of 1, 325 case files of those taken into custody between January and June this year were forwarded to the prosecution.Last year, approximately 2,553 kilogrammes of cannabis and 8,130 litres of kanyanga were seized and 3,384 people suspects apprehended.