Irritating Behavior

Sometimes, you don’t blame the girl for saying “no” to a guy. See, there are these small things that, as a man when you are still doing them, they seem like the right things to do; they make a lot of sense. But, afterwards, on analysis, you realize that you were being a real nag.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Sometimes, you don’t blame the girl for saying "no” to a guy. See, there are these small things that, as a man when you are still doing them, they seem like the right things to do; they make a lot of sense. But, afterwards, on analysis, you realize that you were being a real nag. Things like calling the girl the tenth time in one day, even when she hasn’t picked or acknowledged your past nine calls. You keep telling yourself, maybe she is busy, maybe she doesn’t have credit to call me back, maybe she didn’t have her phone with her and now she does. Every reason seems logical, and it is even more logical to keep trying. Very irritating behavior, I tell you.Well, I have my fair share of irritating behavior.  But the most memorable is this girl I got introduced to by a friend of mine. I asked him to hook me up because she was his good friend, and of course, I wanted a girlfriend. And he knew it and wanted to help me. So, I don’t know what he did or told her, but, after two days, he called me and told me that girl was waiting for my call. He told me to call her, and I did. She didn’t answer. I waited five minutes and called her again. She didn’t answer again. But she called me back after about ten minutes, and apologized that she had left her phone behind. I managed to stutter an introduction of myself, and indeed she had been waiting for my call. She was waiting for me to say more, but, I didn’t really know what to say. So, I told her I just wanted her to get my number that I would call her later, and we hang up. Then, I asked my friend what to tell the girl, and he carefully briefed me. So, when I called her next, she answered on first ring, and I told her some of the things my friend had tutored me. The rest I had forgotten, but she seemed to be pleased. I got encouraged. The next time I called her to talk, but she didn’t answer her phone. I went into panic mode, and for the next one hour, I called her every three minutes. In between, I sent her texts telling her "please sweetie, answer your phone. I need to talk to you”. She called me after one and a half hours, asking me if I was ok. I told her I was ok, I just wanted to talk to her. I guess that’s where the trouble started. She must have wondered what kind of person I was to be acting up like that. The next day, I sent her a text first thing in the morning, must have been at six. I sent her so many texts she got tired of replying, and stopped. I thought she was bored, so I started surfing the net for interesting things to say to a girl. The net has very interesting things, or so they seemed at that time funny and appropriate. But now when I remember, I realize how foolish and kiddish they must have sounded. She didn’treply any of them. When I called she didn’t answer. So I called her on another phone, and she answered. When she realized it was me, she hang up. I sent her so many messages, asking why she wasn’t answering my calls, why she had hang up on me, and so many other things my mind was cooking up rapidly at that time, until she switched off her phone. Then, about two hours later, she called me and told me not to call her again. And I wondered what I had done to her. After two weeks of apologizing and trying to correct everything, I gave up; totally confused why the girl had turned me down when everything seemed to be going so fine. I later consulted my friend, and he listened in disbelief as I explained to him what had happened.

I started also realizing what a pest I must have seemed as I explained to him. By the time I was finished with my tale, there was no need for him to tell me what had made the girl quickly tire of me. I mean, I was embarrassed at myself!