Haba’s secret life

Charles Haba was born on November 11, 1976 and grew up in the capital of the neighbouring Uganda, Kampala. Haba is the Business Development manager of Rwanda Housing Bank and founding president of Rwanda Cricket Association. He hosts the popular talk show Crossfire on Contact FM every Sunday.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Charles Haba was born on November 11, 1976 and grew up in the capital of the neighbouring Uganda, Kampala. Haba is the Business Development manager of Rwanda Housing Bank and founding president of Rwanda Cricket Association. He hosts the popular talk show Crossfire on Contact FM every Sunday.

What was your happiest moment?

My first kiss makes my happiest moment. It’s a way back, I didn’t even know the girl. Can you imagine I don’t even remember the time or the day?

What is your greatest fear?

Probably a moving snake.

What is your earliest memory?

In 1982, there was an attempted coup d’etat in Kenya, and my late father was held among the suspects. Just like the rest of my family members, I was profoundly worried. I sat down and began pondering how life would be without him.

What was your most embarrassing moment?

It was in 2003. I got hold of a girl’s phone. This girl was a friend to my fiancée. So, I used this phone to tell my girlfriend that we could not meet that evening because I was having great fun somewhere!

Of course the reason was obvious that I was "doing something” with her friend. Thank God, she forgave me and we reunited. It was bad.

What is your most unpleasant habit?

Teasing people. Sometimes I overdo it and even go beyond their private lives. Honestly, this is inborn and it has no limit.  

What is your favourite word?

Kawa! A slag for (marvelous). If I have got a great day…Kawa! If my work has been successful….Kawa! And if I have received my salary….Kawa!!

Who is your best friend in life?

I cannot think of any. But all I can say is I have good friends.

What is the worst job you have ever done?

Teaching English language to the people of Nyungwe forest. This was the worst and stupid job I have ever tried out. I never enjoyed it any second. Oh! It was mind-numbing!

What do you consider you greatest achievement?

I am still a young man who has not reached anywhere. The sky will be the limit.

What keeps you awake at night?

The sound of mosquito.

What is the most important lesson life has taught you?

Always to aim higher in everything you do.

When you were a child you wanted to become ……a successful businessman.
Your greatest inspiration…….is the fact that Rwanda is still a virgin country; it has open opportunities for entrepreneurship. This has inspired me to work harder and yield better results to contribute to the development of my country.

You drive……. Volkswagen Golf.

Your favourite local musician…….I consider them to be the same. None of them is better than the other. But for the case of regional musicians, I would prefer Reggae Dee to the rest.

What is your favourite hangout?

Republica, Virunga, B-club and La Planet.

What makes your day?

Being complimented by someone I admire.

You hate…..seeing shabby girls (of course I don’t mind about boys…because I have no interest in them). I also hate rude airhostesses, arrogant Bazungu (whites) and slow bar attendants. 

Contact: lindaonly2005@yahoo.com