From the Editor

Dear Sunday Mag readers, today, we take a look once again, at the escapades of our untiring columnists, Diaspoman, The Villager, The Hater, Ingina Y’ Igihanga, Dr. Pande and others.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Dear Sunday Mag readers, today, we take a look once again, at the escapades of our untiring columnists, Diaspoman, The Villager, The Hater, Ingina Y’ Igihanga, Dr. Pande and others.The Diaspoman takes us through what made his last weekend  worthwhile. He tells of his attendance of a top class wedding, something that made him think about taking the course of action himself.The hater takes his hating to the following people; those who wear jackets during hot weather, randomly start preaching in a commuter taxi, collect brochures like it is an Olympic sport, walk around with loud-heeled shoes in a quiet environment and those who, continue doing annoying things that he-the hater, has always complained about. Ingina y’ Igihanga on his part, takes us to the Olympics currently going on in London, while Dr. Rachna Pande focuses on what you ought to know about Oral Ulcers. In our relationship pages, we focus on what one ought to do to keep the love flame burning. Have a nice weekend.