Sector leaders want more funding

NORTHERN PROVINCE BURERA—Sector Executive Secretaries undergoing training at the Itorero ry’Igihugu have pledged to perform better and make poverty alleviation, stamping out injustice, and being flag bearers in unity and reconciliation as their main priorities.

Friday, May 16, 2008
Sector leaders with ministers remember Africau2019s fallen heroes. Photo B. Mukombozi


BURERASector Executive Secretaries undergoing training at the Itorero ry’Igihugu have pledged to perform better and make poverty alleviation, stamping out injustice, and being flag bearers in unity and reconciliation as their main priorities.

The local administrators, representing all sectors in the country, made the declarations during the closing ceremony of a one-month civic training conducted at the Peace and Leadership centre in Nkumba, Burera district.

The president of the Senate Dr Vincent Biruta represented President Paul Kagame at the closing ceremony.

Dr Biruta asked the sector leaders to utilise developmental principles found in the Rwandan culture of patriotism, integrity and be a shining example to others in order to spur development.

He asked the sector leaders to speed up the implementation of government programmes geared towards economic transformation and development.

"You should check whether you possess the moral authority to change others, whether you have the right discipline and integrity as a leader in order to set a good precedent,’’ Biruta said.

The civic training followed a similar training for district officials and teachers.

Over 400 sector leaders who completed the training made the pledges to start up Itorero at village (Imudugudu) level, and fight laziness among residents.

"During this month, we shared experiences on governance, had lessons on Rwanda’s history, economic development and we got exposed to the relevance of patriotism," Julius Rukundo, one of the participants said.

Dr. J Baptiste Habyarimana, the President of the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission said that t Itorero serves to set a proper foundation of sustainable development by reviving national culture and identity which will help shape human character of discipline, integrity and patriotism for Rwandans and Africans in general.

"All leaders in Rwanda’s history passed through Itorero and in this they rejuvenated a sense of hard work, competition and made life commitments to accomplish in their various societies," Dr Habyarimana said.

The Executive Secretaries requested for more funding for sectors as well as training especially on ICT. They also asked to be involved in the meetings of RALGA- Rwanda Local Government Authorities.

The Minister of Local Government, Protais Musoni, requested them to be knowledgeable flag bearers equipped with innovativeness and creativity, especially in handling local challenges.

Also present at the function were provincial Governors and district Mayors.
