How ICT has eased teachers’ work

Kayonza - Teachers in primary and secondary schools say that ICT has become major tool in improving the teaching and learning process in their respective schools.

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Kayonza - Teachers in primary and secondary schools say that ICT has become major tool in improving the teaching and learning process in their respective schools.A number of teachers who talked to The New Times said that using ICT allowed the pupils to be the focal point in the learning process, which has greatly improved their performance.John Africa, the head teacher of New Life Primary and Secondary School, said ICT stretches pupils’ knowledge beyond the classroom, adding that it gave more meaning as learners can work with their peers from other institutions and countries."Learners love challenges, and giving meaning to their work will always motivate them to want more of it. ICT has proven this fact works in all ways superbly,” he said.Africa added that ICT has also helped teachers to access online materials to use in the teaching process instead of relying entirely on books."Teachers conduct online research; get enough updated materials to teach. The quality of education is taking a positive shape with ICT and internet,” he said.Rural schools are experiencing a wave of excitement following the installation of internet connection at their schools.Students of Rusumo High School in Kirehe District said it was a dream come true getting connection for the first time since the school was established many years ago.However, many of the students have to share computers with their friends because of the small number available to the students in the school laboratory.Jean Claude Habiyakare, an S.5 student said that the development helped to save the time and money he used to spend to travel to internet cafes, situated five kilometres away.