Pastors are not medical doctors please

Editor, I wish to respond to a story “Girl, 15, dies in church, pastor arrested” which was published in The NewTimes, of July 31. This is sad and must be condemned.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Editor, I wish to respond to a story "Girl, 15, dies in church, pastor arrested” which was published in The NewTimes, of July 31. This is sad and must be condemned. I am happy to learn that the police acted immediately and arrested Pastor Francoise Mukamuranzi  of the Ruhango based church in connection with the death of this young girl who passed away in her church.People need to know that being a pastor does not qualify one to be a medical doctor. Besides, we have had several cases of quack pastors who start churches with ill intentions.  Other pastors have been reported in the media fighting over funds from donors.Pastors should refrain from duping their followers. I am not apportioning blame yet but this church must be investigated properly. May be, this is not the first case.  Kalisa Kigali  

Editor, I really feel sorry for the bereaved family. It is wrong for some people to assume pastors are sort of God. They are human beings too.  I think the government and other institutions like police ought to sensetise people through radios and TVs why it’s important always to seek medical help from recognised health centres or hospitals once one falls sick.As a Christian, I know prayers work but the world has changed and pastors have commercialised even prayers or blessings! It is, therefore ,important we seek help from the right people in case we are in trouble.Gloria Kampala