Grace Rwaramba defends Paris Jackson’s Twitter outbursts

There has been divided opinion over whether Paris Jackson is an innocent victim or precocious teenager in the current custody battle surrounding her and two brothers Prince and Blanket.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Victims. Blanket, Paris and Prince are now said to be in the custody of Diana Ross and Tito u2018TJu2019 Jackson. Insert is Grace Rwaramba

There has been divided opinion over whether Paris Jackson is an innocent victim or precocious teenager in the current custody battle surrounding her and two brothers Prince and Blanket.However, a former nanny has defended the 14-year-old saying she is simply ‘spirited and dramatic’.Paris, already in the media spotlight as the only daughter of late Michael Jackson, catapulted further into headline territory after grand-mother Katherine Jackson was stripped of her guardianship.Grace Rwaramba, a former Rwandan nanny of Michael Jackson’s three children, requested that the public be kind to Paris, saying: ‘She is a spirited, very expressive and dramatic young girl.‘The traits that made her the apple of her father’s eye are the same traits that she must learn to control as she matures into adulthood. Let’s be careful not to dim her spirit.” Daily Mail