Kwetu Film Institute hosts animation workshop

For the third time, Kwetu Film Institute (KFI), in  partnership with Goethe-Institut and the Ministry of Sports and Culture, has organised a two-week animation workshop for  film making students to be held at the institute’s premises in Gacuriro.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Isabela Plucinska during the animation workshop with local film students. The New Times / Patrick Buchana

For the third time, Kwetu Film Institute (KFI), in  partnership with Goethe-Institut and the Ministry of Sports and Culture, has organised a two-week animation workshop for  film making students to be held at the institute’s premises in Gacuriro.The founder of KFI, Eric Kabera, says the main objective is to equip participants with a wide range of skills.The workshop is being attended by 20 students with 15 students being sponsored by KFI and the rest by the Ministry of Sports and Culture.The tutors are German duo of Isabela Plucinska and Yann Jouette. Last year’s workshop was facilitated by a Belgian animator.Plucinska, who seemed excited to visit Africa for the first time, said: "There is going to be a lot to learn. Not only do we teach, but we also learn in the process. Animation film making involves a lot of ideas and it will be great to share them”. Speaking to The New Times, Plucinska was optimistic that students would derive fun from  making animations at the end of the workshop.Yusufu Bizimungu, a choreography student at KFI, who is among the trainees, said that it means a lot to him to participate in the workshop."I have a lot of love for film making and I’ve always preferred to use animations,” said Bizimungu. "I have a lot of plans for my films in the future and with this training opportunity, I hope to learn a lot”.