Your sweet tooth will sour your health

For some reason I’ve never figured out, most women have a weird craving for cake, chocolate, bonbons, biscuit, ice cream and everything sweet. According to doctors, treats are indeed irresistible; but if consumed in excess they are likely to endanger one’s health.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

For some reason I’ve never figured out, most women have a weird craving for cake, chocolate, bonbons, biscuit, ice cream and everything sweet. According to doctors, treats are indeed irresistible; but if consumed in excess they are likely to endanger one’s health.The love of sugar puts women’s health at risk and in the end can lead to obesity, heart disease, diabetes and tooth decay among many other health complications.Dr. Michael Cutler, the author of ‘Easy Health Digest’, says refined sugar destroys your health in many ways. "A wealth of studies demonstrates the adverse effects of sugar such as immune system suppression, impaired mineral absorption, skin age acceleration through decreased elasticity, accelerated cancer growth and weakening eyesight,” he states.He adds that sugar also worsens joints, feeds yeast infections with Candida, increases blood pressure, worsens diabetes, triggers salt and water retention, contributes to varicose veins and perpetuates intestinal disorders.Dr. Cutler says that excess refined sugar cause you to feel fatigue almost as soon as you swallow, adding that it’s also addictive so one can easily get into the trap of consuming more and more.How to suppress the urge for sugary food stuffsSince too much sugar isn’t good for one’s health, there are ways that can help one reduce the appetite to eat sweet foods. You can’t get rid of a sweet tooth in just a week or two. In fact, sometimes it’s fine to give in to temptation and eat that dark Cadbury chocolate you so love.Substitute a piece of fruit whenever you crave to consume something high in unnatural forms of sugar. Replace your sweet food stuffs with foods that have natural sugars such as watermelon, pawpaw, passion fruit, sugar cane and all the other fruits. This will help lower your desire for chocolate, cake and the like.Find ways of making fruit more attractive for you to eat, for instance you could make salad out of them or cocktail juice. This way you won’t be longing for the savory foods but more of the fruits in different ways.If it’s an addiction, find a distraction whenever you are idle rather than planning on spending your time eating a lot of sugary stuff. Preferably find a distraction that engages both your mind and your hands such as doing a puzzle, jogging, gym or reading something interesting.With this, you can reduce and overcome your sweet tooth especially if it’s becoming an obsession.