Is dating a man younger than you immoral?

There is a common saying that ‘age is just a number’ but with the current names tags being given to women dating men who are younger than them, it  makes one feel that its immoral for women to fall in love with younger man.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

There is a common saying that ‘age is just a number’ but with the current names tags being given to women dating men who are younger than them, it  makes one feel that its immoral for women to fall in love with younger man.Name tags like ‘cougar’ are being used to describe a woman who is dating a younger man while the young men are called ‘boy toys’. With this kind of mentality and stereotype, people are scared to spend the rest of their lives with the people they honestly feel compatible with. It’s important that people should know that one can’t decide who they will fall in love with. True love just flourishes. It’s humiliating listening to people judging and determining a couple’s failure based on their age differences. Women are discouraged to date men who are younger because it is perceived that young men are not yet mentally and emotionally mature. I don’t think that mental and emotional maturity can be determined by one’s age. They are people who are mentality and emotionally mature at a young age and the reverse is true. If the couple is not uncomfortable with their age difference, I don’t see why the other people should care. Dating someone younger than you is not an emblem of failure in a relationship and dating someone older should not be viewed as a sacrifice. My former classmate Suzan was forced to break up with her two-year boyfriend because of the 3-year- age gap. The couple had plans of spending the rest of their life together but Suzan’s in-laws refused to support the relationship. Somehow young women are raised and trained to believe that they should intimately relate with men who are at least their own age, if not older than them. The weirdest bit regarding dating someone younger than you is that even your friends tend to discourage the relationship, despite of the chemistry that exists. It’s important to encourage our friends if they are in healthy relationships rather than discouraging them or trying to judge them.  I’m sorry to say this but I think if two people are happy about their relationship, I don’t see why they should care of what others think.