How to be less clingy

1. Understand that all healthy, well-adjusted human beings need space. Expecting to live in the pocket of another 24/7 will not only cause distress but also severely limit your own options to grow into a fully competent individual.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

1. Understand that all healthy, well-adjusted human beings need space. Expecting to live in the pocket of another 24/7 will not only cause distress but also severely limit your own options to grow into a fully competent individual.

2. Take responsibility for your own decisions. Actually, take that back one step and learn to make decisions in the first place.

3. Learn to brush off lack of approval from other people. Part of the driver behind clingy behavior is a need to be validated, to seek approval that you’re okay from people you value or look up to.

4. Reduce your communications level. Clingy people tend to spend a lot of time "staying in touch” through text messages, emails, phone calls and simply turning up unannounced.

5. Don’t baby other people. Another common mistake made by clingy people is the assumption that another person won’t thrive without the clingy person’s intervention.