If you do not feel him, let him go

I don’t understand women who date guys they can’t stand. I know a girl who was so repulsed by her man that she cringed at even the slightest touch. She couldn’t stand it when he spoke, laughed or pretty much did anything within eye range.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012
To some women, love wonu2019t get them everything. Money makes more sense. Net photo.

I don’t understand women who date guys they can’t stand. I know a girl who was so repulsed by her man that she cringed at even the slightest touch. She couldn’t stand it when he spoke, laughed or pretty much did anything within eye range.She was also a very mind-your-own-business person. Any questions about her a bizarre relationship would trigger immediate eviction from her friend club. One day I decided that much as I loved being her friend, I loved the idea of understanding her relationship a lot more. So I took the risk.I suspect she woke up on the right side of the right bed because she literally poured her heart out to me. She said that all her life she had pictured this perfect life where she didn’t have to work or do anything other than stay pretty! She hoped she would marry someone good-looking, educated, accomplished, loving and ready to spoil her rotten.Since we all know no such creature exists, she settled for what she called a wealthy goblin! He was educated, accomplished, loving and more than willing to spoil her rotten but there was just one little problem – he was no Blair Underwood - more like the troll waiting to gobble up the three Billy Goats.I asked her why she doesn’t just leave and find someone who doesn’t make her want to throw up every time he touches her and she said, ‘He has money!” I didn’t feel as sorry for the guy as much as I did for her because honestly, nothing is worth leaving me feeling miserable.Ladies, if you are surely not into a person, why waste your time like that? It’s not fair to either one of you. Be with someone because you love spending time with them, and appreciate them regardless of whether they drive a Bentley or take a taxi to work.Sure, it takes more than love to build a marriage, but when you are still dating, it’s pretty much the greatest spice. Worry about the real hard stuff like where you will stay or what you will eat when you are considering marriage. I hear many people say love won’t put food on the table. Yes, that’s true – but without mutual love and respect for each other, is that food even worth eating? I’d probably choke on it and end up six feet under because the depression of being with someone I don’t like very much is enough to send me to my grave.Ladies, you don’t have to be filthy rich to live a good life. All you need is God, health, hard work and commitment. You are nothing in life without God – that is the ultimate poverty – a life without God. Once you and God get acquainted and then become BFF’s (Best Friends Forever), the rest will fall into place with a little effort on your part. God does help those who help themselves.Do not sit around all day waiting for God to throw this rich, handsome guy at you. Why don’t you work hard instead and make your own money? Why have a man make you feel like a possession – because that is all you’ll ever be if all you do is wait for him to take care of you.A man who helps you financially will always find a way to remind you of that fact. Why settle for that when you can call your own shots? Love is special, and it would be a shame to miss out on it because you are looking at the bigger picture!