Editorial: Women Today

The Women Today team welcomes you to another issue of your favourite weekly magazine. This magazine aims to ensure that Rwanda’s silent majority, its women folk, have a voice and a place where their achievements are celebrated, and their challenges tackled.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

The Women Today team welcomes you to another issue of your favourite weekly magazine. This magazine aims to ensure that Rwanda’s silent majority, its women folk, have a voice and a place where their achievements are celebrated, and their challenges tackled.In this issue, we talked to Daphrose Nyirandikubwimana, the Vice-Chairperson of the Cooperative de Valorization des Fruits de Gakenke (COVAFGA). The amazing woman reveals to us her challenging path to her present success and gives wonderful shares her dreams with us. She is truly a great example to all of us, men and women.Our relationship expert, the indomitable Rachel Garuka rambles on about women who have decided to choose material wealth over real love. You can only guess on what side she is on! Further on, our columnist 21st Century Woman tackles the issue of cross-generational dating. She believes that love isnt defined by age but rather mutual compatibility.Wonder why your favourite perfume merely lasts a few hours on you? Perhaps it’s simply because you apply it wrong. Go straight to our Fashion and Style page and learn how to do it right. Is your child driving you up the wall? Perhaps it’s because they need to play. Why don’t you treat them to a play date with other children? They will get out of your hair for a few hours, letting you relax, and get the opportunity to socialise with children their own age. For these articles and more, read on.We wish you all a great week and a good read