African youth revival

Let the young people speak, raise their voices and exalted be their actions for as free will yields a spirit of nationalism, accompanied by creation and novelty, it also wakes an absurd aptitude from a den of fantasy. It soars of veracity; it even goes further to alter young people into an engine of good will, as this makes up for the only hope in the corridors of maturity.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Let the young people speak, raise their voices and exalted be their actions for as free will yields a spirit of nationalism, accompanied by creation and novelty, it also wakes an absurd aptitude from a den of fantasy. It soars of veracity; it even goes further to alter young people into an engine of good will, as this makes up for the only hope in the corridors of maturity.Nonetheless, the confront remains in the youth whose wits do not go further than their eyes, whose life’s way is faultily susceptible, whose values are folly, whose thoughts are ill-will, who instead of benefitting have twisted out to be victims of modernity. Accordingly, ambitious selfless young generations should win the initiative to thrive for excellence in whatsoever they do because the illustration of practicality unfolds to their ability’s conscience.Let them take notes from such heroes, who forgot their merriment, who disregarded their beautiful wives and lovely children, who gave up their father’s names but decided to take up revolution titles just because ‘a man’s life is meaningless if it cannot serve and save other men’s life in serenity’. Reflect on the leaking roofs of the deprived, on the famished stomachs of refuge children, on the swollen feet of dog-tired mothers who fetch water miles away from their fading huts.What intuition does it give? What intellect does it craft? Today our round has come, for African youths to perceive, to agree to and accept as true that ‘yes we can’.That we can mount from dust forming infallible rocks, that we can get to the eminence that fortune and our other qualities pledge, that our nation’s flag can be hoisted at the G-20 pinnacle.The eagle should teach us on how undeservedly it has to endure the great and unremitting malice of soreness. We must be like lions to frighten off wolves and be like a fox to escape traps. Now that we take up choice and give up reliance; now that we take up a reason obsessed life and give up a drug driven one; now that we take up being leaders and give up being followers. Let accord be our song of praise, let love tie our union, let peace be our flag emblazoned ‘the influence of willingness’. Mind you, it is not what you take but what you give up in life that makes you step at the edge of whatever to shout out triumph without end. And that we have to do what we have to do in order to do what we want to do.

Once a colleague told me that, ‘if you want to have things you never had, first do the things you have never done’ which marks the lone manner out of obscurity, out of isolation, out of lowliness, towards glow and progress.