Local leaders to reside in their constituency

The Ministry of Local Government has announced a policy requiring local leaders to reside in the neighbourhoods they work in.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

The Ministry of Local Government has announced a policy requiring local leaders to reside in the neighbourhoods they work in."All local government leaders -Governors, members of district executive committees, Executive Secretaries (City of Kigali, Provinces, districts, sectors, and cells- are required to reside in their areas of operations full time, 24h/24h and 7 days a week, unless on leave or with authorization,” a statement received from the Ministry says.The directive was announced by the Minister of Local Government, James Musoni, at a recent local government leaders retreat in Musanze district, organised by the Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA)."The Government expects much from you, and likewise the population. You must reside in your areas of operation to remain closer and responsive to the community needs,” he stated.Musoni warned those who don’t follow such instructions, warning of punitive measures.The president of RALGA, Justus Kangwagye, explained yesterday that the ministry based its decision on the need for better service delivery, saying residing far from ones’ place of work affects service delivery and performance. In a telephone interview, Kangwagye, who doubles as the Mayor of Rulindo, said all local authorities should be close to their people.There have been reports that some local leaders, including mayors and district executive secretaries, live in Kigali and commute every morning to work, which affects their districts’ performance."It is clear; local administrators should reside where they work. Such movements negatively affect, their performances, especially their service delivery and providing timely services,” said Kangwagye."Delayed service delivery is service denied,” RALGA is a membership organization that brings together local governments in Rwanda. Over 2000 people work in local administration.