Chronicles journalist gets bail

Gasabo Primary Court yester evening granted bail to Idriss Gasana Byiringiro, a journalist with The Chronicles newspaper who is facing charges of making false claims and wrong testimonies in his alleged kidnap case.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Gasana talks to reporters.

Gasabo Primary Court yester evening granted bail to Idriss Gasana Byiringiro, a journalist with The Chronicles newspaper who is facing charges of making false claims and wrong testimonies in his alleged kidnap case.Byiringiro was absent in court as judge Theophile Nzisabira announced the ruling before a half full courtroom which was convened at the lobby, since bulbs in courtroom could not light. Byiringiro’s employer at The Chronicles, Christopher Kayumba stood surety."Considering the charges levelled against Byiringiro, including strong evidence presented by the prosecution, he should be remanded to prison, but with the sureties presented by his lawyer, the court grants him stringent bail,” Nzisabira said.The judge added that part of the bail conditions is that Byiringiro’s movement beyond Kigali City is restricted unless with explicit permission from the Prosecution to travel strictly to the National University of Rwanda.He is to report to the prosecution every Friday before noon.He is a third-year Journalism student at the National University of Rwanda.Prior to yesterday’s ruling, Byiringiro was formally charged at the same court with faking his kidnap. The defendant, who initially told reporters that he lied to police as part of research for a newspaper story as well as an academic paper, insisted on Monday that he was kidnapped but forced to retract the statement.Speaking to The New Times after the ruling, Kayumba welcomed the decision, saying he was sure the suspect would abide by the court orders."I have known him for eight month, he is my employee and my student, that’s why I stood surety of him,” said Kayumba.Another person who stood surety for Byiringiro is his uncle Sylvestre Gasana who could not hold his excitement after a court decision."All I prayed for is to have my son out of jail, I am very happy,” said Gasana.According to the law, Byiringiro is expected to return to court thirty days from the day the bail is granted.