Face painting at the Expo!

This time round, the 2012 Expo started on a high note for children. They are having the best time of their holidays, especially at the various children corners. This week we captures a few kids who had their faces painted in all sorts of colours and shapes.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Alice Mugeni.

This time round, the 2012 Expo started on a high note for children. They are having the best time of their holidays, especially at the various children corners. This week we captures a few kids who had their faces painted in all sorts of colours and shapes. Besides face painting, children can enjoy eating playing at the bouncing castles, and swinging at the merry-go-rounds. Thereafter, they can eat ice cream to cool off the heat. Enjoy your EXPO time kids, stay close to your parents or guardians, and do not talk to strangers.