Sometimes we’re brought to where we have to make certain choices that require us to give up what we consider valuable for the sake of someone we’ve chosen to give even more value or getting something we render more important.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Sometimes we’re brought to where we have to make certain choices that require us to give up what we consider valuable for the sake of someone we’ve chosen to give even more value or getting something we render more important. Sometimes we have to be willing or create the willingness to surrender ourselves to pain, anxiety, scorn in extreme cases, or some sort of vulnerability; willing to go that extra mile… all in the name of sacrifice. Is it worth it anyway? There is always that someone who can’t help but ask him/herself that! Well, I wish there was a way to measure that because as far as I believe, whether all that energy invested is actually fruitful at the end of the day or not is only one part of the equation. Like the saying goes, ‘there are always two sides to a story’. Yes, I’m aware of the irony but frankly, would you say because failure was the result it wasn’t worth the try? Would you say that because the majority or the ‘powerful’ don’t agree with it and therefore it is outright wrong? I wouldn’t say so. But rather bring to light that someone who chooses to give all they do for a particular cause is his/her own best judge.The main question about such virtues as sacrifice comes down to this; ‘of what importance is it?’, ‘does it affect or effect positivity on us the individuals, group, family or society’? , ‘can others relate to our sacrificial actions and how much does this contribute to their search for similar answers?’ As individuals, time and time again, we are dedicating ourselves to the people, activities, jobs, families, beliefs, values and reputations, etc that we love and care about so much that we’re constantly willing to put whatever else we have to at risk for the sake of protecting what matters a lot to us. As societies, we’re always dedicating ourselves to fighting in support of the traditions, leadership, or things of monumental significance to us.As a nation, I cannot overlook that sacrifice is the essence of the establishment and sustenance of a strong nation. Rwanda is a good example; certain people had to risk their lives if this country was going to be rescued from political turmoil 18 years ago. If a nation is to stand on its feet, it is because those who are devoted to seeing it flourish are constantly sacrificing themselves for what they constantly struggle, in their own respects, to build.At the end of the day, the value of sacrifice is as grave as it implies. It is the breeding place for humility; it suggests the presence of foresightedness as well as generosity in any sensible human being.