From Vision to Action

A dream is always a dream unless the dreamer takes action. Students from Sonrise High School led by Mpamila Kayiteshonga, have taken an initiative to transform the lives of fellow Rwandans. These graduates have teamed up to form a non-government organization called SekaRwanda. The organization aims at empowering people and transforming their lives.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

A dream is always a dream unless the dreamer takes action. Students from Sonrise High School led by Mpamila Kayiteshonga, have taken an initiative to transform the lives of fellow Rwandans. These graduates have teamed up to form a non-government organization called SekaRwanda. The organization aims at empowering people and transforming their lives.It has so far served communities and schools in Burera and Musanze districts. The members have a vision to be agents of change specifically in areas of hygiene, entrepreneurship, empowering youth and women and teaching English. SekaRwanda has so far distributed toothpaste and over 1500 tooth brushes to schools in Burera and Musanze.  They have made great progress and are certain that the sky is the limit because of their focus and commitment. The organization is looking forward to serving these schools through partnership with volunteers. Most of the members are Sonrise High School graduates - qualifying them to volunteer in teaching English in primary schools. It is vital to serve others for the saying goes…. "Service is a tree where effective people enjoy the fruits of success”.This is an opportunity for them to help towards Rwanda’s development. Many people, especially in the villages, find it difficult to practice proper hygiene. Most of them still do not know the importance of clean water. As a result, they are an easy target for diseases. After the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, many things were destroyed, lives, property, hope and faith. Many were left widowed, orphaned and disabled. Rwanda’s Vision 2020 programme is set to answer such problems left by the historical difficulties in Rwanda.  The Government  Poverty Reduction Programme has different windows for the poor including cooperatives and other poverty alleviation programmes, for example the one cow per family.The Government has also put much emphasis on education. Since 2009, the Government through the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) has changed the instructional language from French to English. This has improved the student’s ability to communicate outside the French box. Much is needed in rural schools - starting with teachers –in order to increase the capacity to teach and learn in English. Research is required so the students must be equipped with libraries and computer laboratories to help them widen their learning skills.The number of schools in Rwanda is limited due to the number of kids who go to school. Schools are few and there is a high demand in renewing the old ones as well, in order to provide quality education for the 21stCentury. Kids need to be educated on how to clean their classes and create a good environment for their schools by planting trees. Also, more toilets should be built for the schools. The organization aims at achieving this and more. We need to leave the world when we have set great examples for the next generation.