Namibia HIV sterilisation: Judge to issue ruling

A Namibian high court judge is to rule on whether three HIV-positive women were sterilised without their informed consent.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Namibian high court judge is to rule on whether three HIV-positive women were sterilised without their informed consent. The case is being brought by three pregnant women who opted to have Caesarean deliveries to reduce the risk of passing Aids to their babies. Health officials have denied that the women were forcibly sterilised.The women’s lawyers say similar cases have been reported in other countries in the region. If the judge rules in their favour, it may pave the way for compensation.The women’s lawyers say their clients were told by doctors in Namibia that they would only be eligible for surgery if they agreed to be sterilised at the same time. The lawyers say coerced consent does not amount to informed consent and that therefore the Namibian authorities violated the women’s human rights. The health ministry denies that it issued a directive for HIV-positive women to be sterilised and said it was unaware of anyone being sterilised without their consent.