Arrest over British yachtsman missing in Indian Ocean

A man has been arrested over the disappearance of a British yachtsman who went missing in the Indian Ocean.Sean Terry, 48, was sailing between the Maldives and Madagascar on a round-the-world trip when contact with his family was lost on 18 June.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A man has been arrested over the disappearance of a British yachtsman who went missing in the Indian Ocean.Sean Terry, 48, was sailing between the Maldives and Madagascar on a round-the-world trip when contact with his family was lost on 18 June.Stefan Pokorny, from Austria, who had joined Mr Terry on board, was arrested when the vessel arrived in the Seychelles. He has not been charged.The UK Foreign Office said it was aware of the situation.Mr Terry’s 40ft yacht Finnegan was piloted to the island of Coetivy off the Seychelles by Mr Pokorny a week after contact was lost.Local police said Mr Pokorny was being held in custody pending further inquiries and would appear in court on Thursday.British-born Mr Terry was raised in South Africa and returned to the UK to work as a quantity surveyor in Watford, Hertfordshire.He took early retirement to sail around the world.