Bugesera water accident a wake-up call

Last week, five people from Bugesera district were killed in a boat accident while riding in a canoe at night.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Last week, five people from Bugesera district were killed in a boat accident while riding in a canoe at night.While police concentrates on road safety, water transport has been denied due attention, yet there are regular reports of fatal accidents..Substandard boats, overloading, lack of life jackets and use of poor lighting are some of the hazardous practices that have contributed to the fatal water accidents.The unfortunate death of the five people should serve as a wake-up call for all concerned authorities and stake holders to address the situation.According to initial investigations, the fatal boat was transporting smugglers and their products from Burundi.There were also reports that border residents travel at night to smuggle goods which are actually tax exempted under the EAC common market protocol, however, due to ignorance, they don’t know of the tax exemption.If this is true, it calls for massive sensitization, to enlighten the people on the EAC protocols.There is a lot to learn from the Bugesera accident and it will be a shame if a similar incident happens on any lake in the country yet through the implementation of the right policies and guidelines water transport can e safe and profitable.