PSF to help transform informal sector

The Private Sector Federation will embark on supporting the transformation of the informal sector and facilitate players to acquire knowledge and skills to develop the economy.

Monday, July 30, 2012
One of the most visited stands; fast cooking and energy saving saucepans.The New Times / John Mbanda.

The Private Sector Federation will embark on supporting the transformation of the informal sector and facilitate players to acquire knowledge and skills to develop the economy. The pledge was made by the chairman of Private Sector Federation Faustin Mbundu on the weekend as the 2012 International Trade Fair entered its fifth day at Gikiondo Expo Grounds in Kigali yesterday.He urged his counterparts in the region to join efforts to promote the informal sector for the development of the East African Community.Meanwhile, as the trade fair reaches a climax, show goers seem unresponsive to ordinary merchandise instead focusing attention to new innovations.An exhibitor, Mohamad Mar from Pakistan, displays new modern duo layers saucepans that preserve vapour.Priced at Rwf15, 000, the pan usually takes between 20-25 minutes to cook food on an ordinary gas cooker."These saucepans are only in Pakistan and we have realised that Rwandans are happy with them. We are going to discuss with all our partners if it is possible to establish a factory here in east Africa,” he said. A visitor at the stall, Claudine Numukobwa, said the saucepans were interesting. "These pans are different from the ones we use and I think we still need more innovations in our country. I hope it is possible for government to intervene to help these people establish a factory here to manufacture the pans.”Another interesting novelty is a mobile digital television handset established by Rwanda StarTimes media.Hussein Kamanzi, the branding and marketing manager at the company, said the device is the first on the local market adding that it is aimed at facilitating Rwandans to be better updated.The set has 12 channels. The small and portable device has a battery life of six hours.The trade fair is expected to end on August 8.