Rwandans should defend their land

Rwandans saw enough blood and do not wish to witness any kind of battle.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Rwandans saw enough blood and do not wish to witness any kind of battle.

If Congo cannot stop the fighting in eastern part of the country, Rwandans should not sit back and watch it spilling over to their side.

I would like to add my voice to that of the Foreign Affairs Minister, Charles Murigande’s view that the government was ready to defend the country’s sovereignty should the on going fighting spill over to Rwanda.

That is exactly what any government would do in defence of its people.

If Congo cannot solve their problems they should invite other foreign friends to mediate between the two sides and save the civilians from getting caught up between two fighting bulls. 

In any case in armed conflicts, it is the civilians that die in bigger numbers as compared to the armed combatants.

Civilians therefore should be protected by their governments since civilians cannot do it by themselves.

Rwanda is right when it gives its stand as to protect the civilians from that conflict that is already taking toll on the Congolese society.

Nkunda and DRC government should solve their differences peacefully and save the innocent lives.
