More Congolese refugees cross into Rwanda

Congolese nationals have continued to cross into Rwanda through La Corniche border post in Gisenyi Sector, Rubavu District in Western Province, Frederic Ntawukuriryayo, Public Relations Officer at the Ministry of Disaster Preparedness and Refugees Affairs, has confirmed.

Sunday, July 29, 2012
Congolese refugees on arrival in Western Province. The Sunday Times / File.

Congolese nationals have continued to cross into Rwanda through La Corniche border post in Gisenyi Sector, Rubavu District in Western Province, Frederic Ntawukuriryayo, Public Relations Officer at the Ministry of Disaster Preparedness and Refugees Affairs, has confirmed.He said though the number had reduced compared to the last three month, more Congolese from North Kivu are gradually crossing into Rwanda seeking protection from the ongoing conflicts."Yesterday we received 87 refugees and more are coming almost every day and they continue to come as we look for other areas to resettle them”, he said.So far   11,424 have been relocated to Kigeme camp in the Southern Province and 2,995 are still being hosted at Nkamira transit centre in the Western Province.  On the capacity of the camps, the official observed that the government was planning to either extend the Kigeme camp or relocate the refugees to Nyabiheke camp in Gatsibo District, Eastern Province. Fresh clashes between the DRC’s military and a group of mutineers calling themselves M23, erupted in mid May and tens of thousands of residents fled to Rwanda and Uganda. The mutineers accuse the Kinshasa leadership of failing to adhere to a 2009 peace agreement.