Building apartments is a good idea

Editor , I wish to respond to a story published in yesterday’s issue of The New Times titled “90 per cent of Kigali residential land earmarked for”. Some people have said it is not a good idea to have apartments. They think it’s foreign and imposed on us.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Editor I wish to respond to a story published in yesterday’s issue of The New Times titled "90 per cent of Kigali residential land earmarked for”. Some people have said it is not a good idea to have apartments. They think it’s foreign and imposed on us.Well, everybody is entitled to their opinion but some of those opposed to the idea live in Canada where housing is carefully planned by government in the interest of the public. Unless some people simply want to be seen to oppose every good thing that government and the local authorities introduce for the development of Kigali and Rwanda in general, there is nothing wrong with Kigali urban development plan. It is irrelevant for some commentators to attempt to undermine what Rwanda officials plan for the country just because (sometimes) they get advice from foreigners. It is actually hypocritical because most of such commentators live happily in countries like Canada and others where they enjoy good housing enabled by the knowledge and planning of their governments.Go on Rwanda, go on Kigali City officials – do not be distracted by self seekers.

Nathan Twagirimana