New born baby found dead

Ngoma–Police are searching for the mother of a newborn baby who was found dead in a box dumped in bush along Kibungo-Mutenderi road, Ngoma District, on Wednesday.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Ngoma–Police are searching for the mother of a newborn baby who was found dead in a box dumped in bush along Kibungo-Mutenderi road, Ngoma District, on Wednesday.The one-day-old infant was found by local residents, who called the police.According to police spokesman, Superintendent Theos Badege, a resident was on his way home from work in the evening when he saw a box hidden in a bush in a rather suspicious manner.Badege said that police was still searching for the mother of the baby."We suspect the baby was dumped by one of these young girls who think they are not ready to be mothers...they have been doing it. We shall keep on trailing her.”According to Badege, the penal code punishes such crime to a prison sentence between 2-5 years and a fine of up to Rwf100.000..