Why get a job if you are going to sag around all day

Today I walked into the Union Trade Centre (UTC) mall with a toy pistol that I just bought for my son knowing fully well the ordeal that awaited me.  I strutted in with all the confidence I could muster counting on at least one of three things (and hopefully not a combination of all three).

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Today I walked into the Union Trade Centre (UTC) mall with a toy pistol that I just bought for my son knowing fully well the ordeal that awaited me.  I strutted in with all the confidence I could muster counting on at least one of three things (and hopefully not a combination of all three). One, that the security guards would be too bored to properly check my luggage as they usually are. Two, if they did bother to check, they would have no understanding of what they are looking at. Or that the toy gun would scare them off and give them an opportunity to engage in some actual action. So, I walked into the building confident that my mission to give these security guys some real work to attend to would be accomplished. At the very least I would give them something to think about—play toys for their kids perhaps?But they had one up on me. NO SEARCH AT ALL! I mean these guys really know just how to frustrate a girl. On a day when I was so sure I would give them something to ask about, they just dismissed me like a bad joke! Are they aware someone else could easily sneak a real gun into that place?Do we really need these people who have no concept whatsoever of security and care even less to masquerade as high security put in place for the benefit of the general public? The only service they have served my way is irritation. They entertain themselves with my frustrated grunts and sighs. Sometimes they frisk you like you are the only traffic coming their way that day. They ask you to go through the metal detector three or four times just to watch the play of expressions on your face. The more expressive your face is, the longer they’ll host you! On the days you come braced for the show with your most bored look pasted on your face, they wave you away like an irritating fly – and that’s the day you have something interesting and spicy in your hand bag! Once I even had a taser toy with rubber spikes that gave one a buzzing electric shock at the slightest touch. That’s the day I was waved away. Then there are the especially annoying ones who check every item in your hand bag so slowly and thoroughly it seems like they are reading and cramming the labels on your make-up for future reference. The taser toy would have been great for that one!Although I have gone the long way around it, this is a complaint from an exasperated citizen. Please let’s get someone to teach the security crew some search etiquette. Acknowledge me, not my large handbag like it’s your very own bag of assorted goodies. Do not slouch on the job and please do not suck on a lollipop no matter how boring the job gets!