Nyamirambo taxis, my stress therapy

You probably think I love loud music or the gangster pictures all over these taxis but no, you got it all wrong. I am not a teenager, infact I am way past that age but I admit that I am crazily in love with Nyamirambo taxis.

Thursday, July 26, 2012
Maria Kaitesi

You probably think I love loud music or the gangster pictures all over these taxis but no, you got it all wrong. I am not a teenager, infact I am way past that age but I admit that I am crazily in love with Nyamirambo taxis.Sadly, I stay in an area that’s miles apart from Nyamirambo but funny enough, I always sit at my MINIJUST stage crossing my fingers for a Nyamirambo taxi to stop with one more seat left for me.Well, if you’re wondering why I love Nyamirambo taxis, then you haven’t boarded the nyakatsi Remera taxis.The Nyamirambo taxis have modern soothing music and the passenger controls the volume. I can always tell the driver to reduce the volume and increase a little bit if my favourite song is playing. If you ever hear loud music in a Nyamirambo taxi, just know that it’s one of the passengers who requested for more volume.It even gets better since these particular taxis are more like FM radio stations. The music plays on a CD so I just have to tell the driver which song I want to listen to or just put a Luther Vandross CD, since he’s one of my favorites.It hurts me that I have to pay the same fee as what I pay for the other lousy ‘nyakatsi’ taxis. In fact, I sometimes get so pissed off at how low the fare is, that I pay more to travel in these cool Nyamirambo taxis.Enough about the music, somehow everyone who travels in a Nyamirambo taxi is clean unlike some of the people in these other taxis; where some carry their fish from the market and comfortably eat their eggs from taxis; not mindful of us who sit next to them.The Nyamirambo taxis also don’t have those sharp metallic edges that can scratch you—a red alert for germs and tetanus. I don’t like being squeezed especially if I have my stress issues and these people who weigh more than me come pushing and telling me to extend like they just want me to sit in the trunk of the car.The Nyamirambo taxis seem to be bigger and more spaced than these others are and my friends who are bigger than me don’t have to squash me. I know Nyamirambo is too from my workplace but because I am in love with their taxis, I might consider shifting to that area.I have also learnt names of very many celebrities because I do travel a lot in those tranquil taxis. With all the cleanliness, comfort, great lighting system and cool music, my long days at work cease after I board the Nyamirambo taxi.If you want to beat stress, board a Nyamirambo taxi for it sure is a relaxing therapy.