If I don’t love me, who will?

I often hear people telling others of how they ‘love themselves’ and it always leaves me deeply puzzled. For one, is it a crime to love myself? Two, has loving oneself ever really been something to question? Three, if I don’t love me, who do I expect is going to do it for me? And four, what’s not to love?

Thursday, July 26, 2012
Rachel Garuka

I often hear people telling others of how they ‘love themselves’ and it always leaves me deeply puzzled. For one, is it a crime to love myself? Two, has loving oneself ever really been something to question? Three, if I don’t love me, who do I expect is going to do it for me? And four, what’s not to love?I love my self. In fact that is an underestimation – I am obsessed with myself. I like sitting there and thinking about myself. I care so much about myself that I often tell myself to be careful. The guys tell me I’m the best thing since SuperSport and the girls tell me I’m second after birth control pills. So there you go.I am sure some of you are wondering how someone can be so self absorbed. It’s easy really. I relax from time to time and think about how great I am and how this world became a better place the day I stepped foot into it. When I look at the stars, I think I see my name up there!This brings me to the people who want to make me hate myself. The number of pictures I upload or times I talk about myself on Facebook is – let me put it politely – my business. The last time I checked, it was my wall and I am free to do pretty much anything I please with it. If you do not like it, you are more than welcome to unfriend or block me or better yet, just deactivate your account and confirm to everyone just how mad you are with people loving themselves.If there is one thing I have learned in life, it’s that if you do not learn to put yourself first from time to time, you will end up as everyone’s doormat or worse. That said; take time to appreciate all your glory and uniqueness. Sit down and think about the wonder that is YOU. Why shouldn’t you love yourself? Just because we were told to love others doesn’t mean you can’t share that love and appreciate yourself too. Like I said, if you are not a hideous human being, just spread the love and let everyone know just how much you love yourself.If anyone gives you trouble, disregard them immediately. Do not waste time with anyone who thinks you are not loveable. In fact tell them to start loving themselves a little more; maybe they will appreciate others better. As for me, after writing this, I love myself even more! And here I was thinking that wasn’t possible.