Looking after your little angels

The summer holidays are here and children need support mentally, physically, socially, and even morally from their parents. Several things should be put into consideration when bringing up a child as explained below.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The summer holidays are here and children need support mentally, physically, socially, and even morally from their parents. Several things should be put into consideration when bringing up a child as explained below.TimeThe time we spend with our kids is very essential in their lives. The more time we spend with them the better they become because it is the only proof that you support and love them.Parents these days tend to spend more time and effort at work, forgetting that children are also their responsibility. A child with all the ignorance will never understand that mummy or daddy is working overtime to make life better. Your time is their right and they will never forgive you until you spare time for them.It is not necessary that you spent the whole day or an entire afternoon playing with them, but at least two hours a day is enough. These few hours will not cost you clients or give you a backload of work but instead help you to bond and get attached to your children.Parents as role modelsNaturally, children duplicate everything that older people do or say and because of this, children must be taught good attributes in life like honesty, kindness, hospitality, friendliness, forgiveness, and even healthy competition. Parents should also learn to clearly explain their expectations to their children. This could be about their school and the kinds of friends they have.DisciplineAll children should have boundaries set by parents and should work within those agreed boundaries. It is not easy to bring up children in a perfect way but there should be limits in their daily activities. This will be effective when there are consistencies in the way they are disciplined. When mistakes are made, parents should be in position to address and accord respective punishment so that the children can understand the consequences of their actions.Good communicationCommunication is very essential in every child’s life in that they should feel free to tell parents everything that is happening in their lives. They should be allowed to express themselves if angry or happy by screaming or laughing respectively. Learn to make them your friends so that they can be at ease and easily open up to you whenever there is a problem or when they need your advice.Childhood funEvery child has a right to have fun; this includes allowing them to interact with other children. Take them out occasionally to places where they can relax, network, and make new friends. Encourage them to participate in school or holiday activities as a way of increasing their self-esteem.