The Ministry of Trade Commerce and Industry (MINICOM) has become the latest government entity, after the Ministry of Health and the Prime Minister’s Office, to open an interactive session on social media tool, Twitter, as a means of reaching out to the public.
The Ministry of Trade Commerce and Industry (MINICOM) has become the latest government entity, after the Ministry of Health and the Prime Minister’s Office, to open an interactive session on social media tool, Twitter, as a means of reaching out to the public.The session which officially kicked of Tuesday will run every Tuesday between 4 and 5PM with a hash tag "#askMinicom.Tweeps are able to directly interact with the Minister, Francois Kanimba, and the ministry’s Permanent Secretary, Emmanuel Hategeka."Minicom is eager to take full advantage of all modern communication tools to communicate with Rwandans and non-Rwandans alike about what the ministry does, why we do it and how well we are doing against the high standards we set for ourselves,” Kanimba said in a statement."Twitter is emerging as the fastest growing and most readily accessible medium for this kind of citizen engagement. #AskMinicom is therefore an important new element in our ministry’s communication strategy.”Twitter has emerged as an efficient and effective modern communication tool, where it has enabled thousands of people to interact on one-on-one basis or as groups.It has also enabled to disseminate information about Rwanda, especially during special events like the genocide commemoration, Independence Day, Liberation Day, or when there is a live telecast on a trending topic.According to Minicom, their first Twitter session aimed at giving people a chance to ask any question as well as contribute ideas on various issues they are inquisitive about regarding trade, industry and the status of the economy. Below are some of the highlights of Minicom’s first interaction with Twitter users: Rwabigwi: Why is sugar so expensive in Rwanda?fkanimba: Sugar prices have stabilized in Rwanda since Dec 2011 thanks to the stay of application of EAC CET fifilyn: Why is it that traders still complain that there are no agencies that transport their goods in some countries??fkanimba: We have a pbm of organizing a big number of small exporters to hire cargos. A Cargo Center project is under studynoelkambanda: How is #AskMinicom prepared to lead Rwandan business community 2 participate in the expected Single Customs Territory? fkanimba: Minicom is following closely the study on the single custom territory. We will take care of Rwandan interests #askMinicom.