Medication safety during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women have to be very cautious regarding the type of medication they take for any ailment. Over the counter medication should be avoided and instead, seek medical consultation from a doctor before using any medication.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

During pregnancy, women have to be very cautious regarding the type of medication they take for any ailment. Over the counter medication should be avoided and instead, seek medical consultation from a doctor before using any medication.

Some medications are considered safe to take during pregnancy while others might have unknown effect on your unborn baby.The first trimester (first three months of pregnancy) are very vital for the baby’s growth and development. Therefore pregnant women have to be extremely careful with the type of medication they take during this period.The biggest mistake here would be to take your own prescriptions. Even if it’s a cold or a throbbing headache, don’t do your own prescription. Always seek medical advice to find out which medicine is recommended and whether it doesn’t harm the pregnancy.Before taking herbal medications and supplements, consult with a medic to first be sure they don’t pose any risk to the pregnancy.Some of the unsafe medications during pregnancy include pain relievers such as ibuprofen, aspirin and naproxen according to the pregnancy and baby website.Chinese Online herbalist and Wellness Specialist, Aimee Paupp, recommends natural ways of relieving some pains, for instance, when a pregnant woman has constipation, she advises they take hot water with a mixture of lemon juice.Many herbal and natural remedies are safe during pregnancy, but many are dangerous. She advises pregnant women to avoid herbs that affect hormone levels and induce uterine contractions. There are many types of medicine that aren’t safe for pregnancy and the best way to find out which ones they are is by seeking medical advice.