Managing those stressful moments

Juggling with loads of work, children, finances, health issues, relationships and school can be very stressful. All these and other issues make stress inevitable but the good news is that it’s manageable.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Juggling with loads of work, children, finances, health issues, relationships and school can be very stressful. All these and other issues make stress inevitable but the good news is that it’s manageable.Stress makes one unhealthy while weakening one’s immune system and affecting brain function. It also worsens some chronic medical conditions. Besides make one depressed, it causes insomnia, fatigue, heart problems, breathing disorders, headache and anger among other problems. According to research, frequent exercise such as running reduces stress thus helping one to relax. Below are some of the some effective stress-busters that can help you deal with stress;Get engrossed in something you enjoy: If its reading a book,swimming,watching a movie, jogging or any other activity you are passionate about,revist it during your stressful moments. This will help you keep your mind off the stress.Do something out of the ordinary: If you had always wanted to volunteer in Sunday school at your church or go for swimming lessons, you should try out these new activities when stressed. Eat healthy: Avoid caffeine, sugar and fatty foods as much as possible. Don’t skip meals because of depression and also avoid eating when you’re not hungry because this is another sign of chronic stress that can just lead to more tense feelings. Get enough rest: Stress at times causes sleep loss, which makes one more miserable. Having enough rest and sleep will keep your mind relaxed.Keep a positive attitude: Keep away from negativity and always believe that things will only get better and not worse.Physical exercise such as jogging, skipping, aerobics and other exercises are very helpful when coping with chronic stress.Lastly, if you are a spiritual person, pray and meditate about all thee issues that could be stressing you. This is often a great way of removing the stressful burden from your shoulders.