How to prevent bad breath

Many people have bad breath without even realizing it. This can cripple your likelihood of enjoying a healthy social life, finding a significant other, and even advancement in your career. The single most important aspect of having fresh breath is to have proper oral hygiene.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Many people have bad breath without even realizing it. This can cripple your likelihood of enjoying a healthy social life, finding a significant other, and even advancement in your career. The single most important aspect of having fresh breath is to have proper oral hygiene.Brush your teeth and scrape your tongue first thing every morning and also after each time you take a nap. Foul-smelling bacteria have had a chance to take over your mouth while you slept, and are most likely causing yucky "morning breath.” After you brush your teeth and scrape your tongue, rinse your mouth thoroughly and gargle with fresh, cool water. This is a very important step, one that many people overlook. Nobody likes to smell your breath when it’s laden with dirty, used toothpaste scum.After completing steps 1 and 2, make sure you drink a significant amount of water, and avoid eating or drinking anything else for at least 30 minutes. This completes the cleansing process of your mouth, throat, esophagus, and stomach, which is extremely important for fresh breath after you sleep.Avoid foods such as garlic, onions, sugary foods, meats, fish, poultry, and eggs. All of these foods are notorious for causing bad breath. Fresh fruits and vegetables actually help to cleanse your entire system, and the result is improved breath. Leafy green vegetables, in particular, are well-known for assisting the body in maintaining fresh breath. Try chewing fresh peppermint, spearmint, parsley, or basil instead of gum.After you eat or drink anything (besides water), thoroughly rinse your mouth and gargle with water. Use this practice without fail, day and night, and you will keep abreast of nasty bacteria buildup in your mouth, which cause bad breath. Run your tongue along the surfaces of your teeth throughout the day, and if you ever notice any plaque buildup, brush your teeth again and rinse thoroughly with water, making sure that you feel your teeth, not plaque buildup, which is a contributing factor in bad breath.Drink plenty of fresh water every day, but try to avoid drinking water too close to meal times, as it can decrease your digestive capacity. Keeping your body properly hydrated assists in its own natural cleansing processes, and can help tackle bad breath.Any time you notice that you have bad breath, rinse your mouth with water. If this doesn’t work, then brush your teeth again. You may also need to scrape your tongue again. Always finish by rinsing with plenty of cool water.Don’t cough violently as it may cause the release of bad smelling tonsil stones which may stay on the back of your throat for days.Visit a dentist, at least twice a year. Bad breath has been known to be caused by dental problems, so it is necessary that you consult your dentist if you suffer from a very bad, bad breath.