Unfastened lips sink relationships

Some women think that when they are in a relationship, the rest of the world is interested in what happens in that relationship. They get to their place of work and hardly 10 minutes go by before they proceed to tell the person on the next desk their side of the story (the only side they’ll ever get to hear).

Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Work on solving problems as a couple. Net photo.

Some women think that when they are in a relationship, the rest of the world is interested in what happens in that relationship. They get to their place of work and hardly 10 minutes go by before they proceed to tell the person on the next desk their side of the story (the only side they’ll ever get to hear). It’s okay to have somebody to confide in - a close friend, family member or even shrink because it loosens the firm grip of frustration but then again, it is not the best idea.Every time you have a fight with your man, naturally you are going to be mad. So you will most likely go tell your girls what a prick the guy is. These words are mental notes being imprinted in their minds. The next day, he’ll be sorry, you’ll forgive him and he’ll be back in your good grace but the damage will be done because the imprint has already been carved.Relationships are hard – the only way to work through them is by your ability to handle a situation. Running to your chica’s pad to talk about your man’s weaknesses or what he does/does not do goes to say that you are literally not capable of handling situations on your own. No one really needs to know how you found magazines showing half naked girls in his briefcase.Sit down and discuss with your man the issues bothering you rather than feel inclined to share your personal business. Nothing good can come of it I can assure you. For one, he will feel betrayed that you discussed matters concerning just the two of you to the whole world – women talk! And can you blame him? You’d be mad too if all his boys knew what was going on with you.Your friends will most likely start to not want to be around any of you because now everyone thinks your man is just too insecure, doesn’t want you to have a good time, maybe even uncertain about your friends and you don’t even have the guts to leave him!Eventually these friends will get tired of hearing you complain about your man only to go running back to him with open arms every time he flashes that billion dollar smile. The sharing of any future exciting news in your life will be met with a lack of enthusiasm and probably seen as another one of your pathetic ways to get attention – at least that is what it will look like.It doesn’t take more than one or two bad instances that you’ve shared to make people jump to conclusions and adopt their own scenarios. They’ll automatically assume you are living with a maniac who has without a doubt cast a spell on you, which is why you only complain and never leave!When you ‘overshare’ you not only risk hurting your relationship, but its reputation as well. At work, you will be seen as unstable and incapable of taking on other tasks as even a relationship seems too much to handle, so you can say "bye” to that promotion.Sharing some of the things bothering you in the relationship isn’t bad, but it should be with someone impartial like a therapist, possibly with the two of you present so he can also have a chance to defend himself! The things you randomly blurt out to whoever cares to listen can have detrimental effects on your life as a couple.