Editorial: Women Today

The Women Today team welcomes you to another issue of your favourite weekly magazine. This magazine aims to ensure that Rwanda’s silent majority, its women folk, have a voice and a place where their achievements are celebrated, and their challenges tackled.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Women Today team welcomes you to another issue of your favourite weekly magazine. This magazine aims to ensure that Rwanda’s silent majority, its women folk, have a voice and a place where their achievements are celebrated, and their challenges tackled.In this issue, we talked to Dr Marie Christine Gasingirwa, Director General for Science, Technology and Research in the Ministry Of Education. The amazing woman reveals to us her challenging path to her present success and gives wonderful advice to young women, how to harness their potential.Many women often self-medicate without first seeking doctors advice. This is extremely dangerous, especially for pregnant woman. Our health expert Maria Kaitesi explains the drawback and warns against this common practice. Body image is extremely important for us, and nothing gives us a better feeling than looking healthy and toned. One of the major areas of concern for women is how to firm up their arms. Read on and find out how you can improve their muscle tone.Many young women are jumping into the matrimonial bandwagon but our columnist, the 21st Century Woman, suggests that we hold on. The reasons she gives are eye-opening.  We wish you all a great week and a good read