We all know who messed up DRC

Editor, I wish to respond to your article titled “International Community messed up Congo, says Kagame” (The New Times, July 24).

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Editor I wish to respond to your article titled "International Community messed up Congo, says Kagame” (The New Times, July 24).Anyone who has followed this fighting in DRC would know the truth of President Paul Kagame’s description of its underlying causes: the arrogance of foreign actors who know they do not have to account for the deadly consequences of their errors. What we have here is the geopolitical equivalent of what in banking is known as "moral hazard” or expending other people’s lives without care because you know you won’t have to bear the consequences.Our brothers in DRC need to understand those who push them in these kinds of misadventures have nothing to lose at the end of the day. Only the people of this region will, especially the innocent civilians in the Kivus. The ordinary people continue to invariably pay for these foreigners’ insistence on running the affairs of the DRC rather than leaving it to the Congolese to sort themselves out, with the help from their neighbours and the region if required.Don’t the Congolese remember the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi? Don’t they know how the world became so tragically indifferent while innocent people being murdered in Rwanda? I agree that International Community has messed up the Congo.