Northern Province assesses progress

The Governor of the Northern Province Aime Bosenibamwe has urged local leaders in the area to prioritise projects that spur development of the local communities.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Northern Province Governor Aime Bosenibamwe talks to residents in Musanze District recently. The New Times / John Mbanda.

The Governor of the Northern Province Aime Bosenibamwe has urged local leaders in the area to prioritise projects that spur development of the local communities.Bosenibamwe made the call during a provincial meeting during which district leaders presented performance contracts for the year 2012/2013.The Governor called for swift implementation of planned activities so as to achieve the desired targets."It is necessary to set high targets and commitments so that you may register impressive achievements at the end of the year,” he said.Bosenibamwe called for collective efforts in pursuit of spectacular performance compared to the previous year."Bring together all players and embrace innovation in laying out strategic guidelines to assist you in the process,” he said.Burera district mayor, Samuel Sembagare, noted that his district intends to concentrate efforts in rural settlement and infrastructure development."Entrepreneurship and business development is also among our major priorities because it will help our people improve their economic and social welfare,” he said.He added that another immediate target is to increase the number of households which access electricity to an average of 12 per cent.Out of approximately 70,000 households estimated to be in the district, only 5,654 access electricity and authorities intend to increase the number to 8,154.Winfrida Mpembyemungu, the mayor of Musanze District, noted that district intends to increase livestock and agricultural production by encouraging farmers to adopt modern methods of farming.