Obedience should be priority

Listening to mum, dad, teacher and elders is important for young children. Obedience is very important because when you obey you get very many gifts from whoever you obeyed.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Obedience makes children and parents bond. Net photo.

Listening to mum, dad, teacher and elders is important for young children. Obedience is very important because when you obey you get very many gifts from whoever you obeyed.Even the Bible tells us to obey our parents so that we can live longer. Parents always wish the best for their children and therefore cannot ask them to do something that will harm them.Parents always aim at showing love and care to their children, and what they require from their children is obedience and love in return because that is certainly the best a child can offer to a parent.It is holiday time and, children should try to help their parents with house chores such as washing utensils, cleaning the house and the compound. Doing simple housework is not bad for children because it teaches you to be disciplined and makes you appreciate what you already have.This gives children a sense of responsibility, knowing that after eating, one has to take their plate to the kitchen and even wash it, if they can. This seems too small but tomorrow, the child will appreciate a parent who teaches them to be responsible. Therefore, children should obey their parents in order to avoid regrets later in life. Like the proverb, "Had I known is a consolation of a fool,” if children do not obey their parents and other elder people, then they might have regrets in life because of their disobedience.Obedience is better than sacrifice, so children should learn how to obey their elders.