Don’t let anyone put you down

I know that as a teenager, fitting in is probably one of the most important things. How do I know this? I too was a teenager once just trying to fit in. However, I learned that in the process of trying to fit, there is always that someone who is desperate to make you feel like you don’t belong.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Make friends with people who donu2019t make you want to crawl away and cry. Net photo.

I know that as a teenager, fitting in is probably one of the most important things. How do I know this? I too was a teenager once just trying to fit in. However, I learned that in the process of trying to fit, there is always that someone who is desperate to make you feel like you don’t belong.In my former school, one tiny rumour was all it took to finish a person for good. There were more fights between actual friends than there were with enemies because someone simply couldn’t stand seeing people in peace.Who – said – what – to – whom became the order of the day. One minute you’d be sharing a joke with your friends and the next you’d find yourself cornered over some words you can’t even remember uttering. I tried to get that one true friend, a friend I was certain would believe and trust in me 100% regardless of whatever rumour came her way. That’s tons better than having about 20 friends who won’t hesitate to jump at your throat the second someone makes up a story about you.You might have over 500 friends on facebook but not all of them have your best interests at heart. Some befriend you just so they can spread around every detail they can get from you. Others get close because they actually loathe you and need a closer way to destroy you completely! Keep your friends close and your enemies closer remember?This might sound like a lot of drama but if there is one thing I’ve witnessed first hand, kids can be mean! There will always be that person making you feel like a loser or social retard just because you are not into the things that person thinks are cool. Depression is very common in teenagers and is caused by all these small factors that you realize were actually minor when you grow up – growing up does come with its own issues! High school is tough, when you constantly find yourself at the receiving end of everyone’s mockery. You don’t have to change who you are for the sake of fitting in. You do not have to betray your own beliefs because other people do not get them. Anyone who simply can’t like you for you is not worth having around. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself and are not just there to oppress you. Do not let anyone put you down because no matter what anyone says, you are a very unique, wonderful and beautiful individual.