Five Nyagatare local leaders suspended

Nyagatare – Five grassroots leaders in Nyagatare District have been suspended from duty after allegations of providing flawed information over eradication of thatched houses, commonly known as Nyakatsi, in the area.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Nyagatare District Mayor Fred Sabiti.

Nyagatare – Five grassroots leaders in Nyagatare District have been suspended from duty after allegations of providing flawed information over eradication of thatched houses, commonly known as Nyakatsi, in the area.Christophe Kabana, the Executive Secretary of Tabagwe Sector, along with four members of his staff, were suspended from duty for one month after allegedly lying to their superiors that Tabagwe had no thatched houses. Others implicated include the official in charge of Social Affairs in the district, Geoffrey Kiza and a village leader.The district Mayor, Fred Atuhe Sabiti, confirmed the development yesterday pointing out that the leaders allegedly lied to their superiors that the eradication of thatched houses had been successfull."All those found culpable have been suspended from duty. After investigations, some may even face tougher actions. The (Umudugudu) Village leader was dismissed immediately because he was directly involved,” he said.According to Denise Uwera, the official in charge of special programmes in EasternProvince, the local leader was found culpable of lying over the existence Nyakatsi houses from his superiors."We have some obvious funny characters. Hiding (about the presence of) Nyakatsi is like burning a bush and trying to hide the smoke. Some of these lies are uncalled for and those